From the Desk of Asst. Regional Director

Hon. Prime Minister of India gave a call for “Swachh Bharat” as a mass movement to realize Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a Clean India. Hon. Prime Minister desired that a nationwide campaign be organized with the participation of all sections of the society to bring about mass awareness on cleanliness and the government officers, educationists, social groups, chain organizations should also ensure participation in the cleaning of the offices, schools, colleges, society and other places.
The intensive national cleanliness campaign started from 25th September 2014. The Hon. Prime Minister said it is our social responsibility as citizens of India to help fulfilling Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of Clean India by his 150th birth anniversary.
As a responsible citizen, we at Regional Directorate, DAV Public Schools, Muzaffarpur Zone (Bihar) along with its 25 schools under its aegis Managed By – DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi considering it as our moral duty had organized a Cleanliness Campaign “SWACHHTA ABHIYAN – Clean India, Clean DAV” right from the day 2nd October, 2014 at our campus.
I on behalf of Regional Directorate, DAV Public Schools, Muzaffarpur Zone (Bihar) extend my sincere thanks to my team of Principals, teachers, lovely students and responsible parents who took actively part in it and keeping our all schools of zone in order as per norms of – EK KADAM SAKSHATA KI OR. We are now keeping highest standard of cleanliness in our all campuses with a common and regular slogan – Clean India, Clean DAV.
We too promise that till our standing in society, we will keep our country clean through our active participation in cleaning our own institute and surroundings.
Thank You
Jai Bharat, Jai DAV
(S. K. Jha)
Asst. Regional Director